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How We Can Help
Why seek Counselling or therapy?
Ok, let's face it - sometimes life can be tough. No matter how well we deal with things, sometimes things just don't work out. If that happens too often we can become frustrated, lose our confidence, become depressed, irritable, worried, and generally lose our zest for life. Have you ever felt like that?
Sometimes, it just seems that circumstances are against us. Unexpected things happen, and the world just seems to throw us a 'curve ball'. Things can seem unfair, we can feel victimised, or we can simply feel like we're not deserving of happiness. Maybe you've felt like that too.
When being 'tough' is short-sighted
Most people handle common, every-day problems pretty well. But sometimes, it just makes more sense to find professional help. That doesn't mean you're 'crazy', weak or out of control. Unfortunately some people believe that they should be able to handle whatever problems confront them by themselves, without going for help. They see going for counselling as a last resort, as a sign of weakness. But we all deal with our problems in ways we have learned in the past; sometimes they work, sometimes they don't. If we keep on reacting the same way, we'll get the same results. It's usually better to learn new ways of dealing with a problem. A good therapist can help quickly.
Albert Einstein once said 'We can't fix a problem from within the same perspective that created it in the first place�. But that's what most people try to do.
So how do I know that I can benefit from counselling?
Ok, some common sense. When we deal with life's challenges effectively we feel good. When we get what we want, we feel confident and enjoy life. When we don't, we feel frustrated, disappointed and even angry.
Our emotions are excellent indicators of how well we're doing with life. If youre feeling confident, optimistic, and relaxed then you're probably getting most of what you want. But if you're feeling irritable, angry, anxious, pessimistic, sad, or lack confidence a lot of the time, then you're probably not getting the most out of your life. That's where counselling can help - if the right approach is used.
It doesn't matter whether you are a senior executive running a large corporation, or a student or unemployed. You may be young, elderly, or anywhere in between. If you frequently feel anger, anxiety, or sadness because of something that's happened to you, then you can benefit from counselling.
You may have distressing or stressful experiences which you'd like to talk about in a safe environment. These might include circumstances of bereavement, separation, or other major life transitions, or experiences from the past, such as in childhood. Or you might need help in altering specific psychological or behavioural traits like compulsive thoughts or difficulties relating to people.
Increasingly, we see people who look to counselling as part of their effort to discover or create meaning in their lives. On the other hand, some people are attracted to counselling as an opportunity to undertake personal development in a safe and supportive environment: it is not necessary to have a 'problem' in order to benefit.
So what are the benefits I might realise out of counselling?
Well, as well as receiving help with specific goals or difficulties, you may experience substantial improvements in overall quality of life. These might include:
- Extinction of the anxiety, sadness, or anger in specific situations
- More positive states of mind such as confidence, peace and clarity
- more meaningful relationships with self and others
- openness to a greater range of possibilities
- increased capacity for self awareness
- ability to express a personal perspective with discerning clarity
How does Counselling/Therapy work?
As already stated, some people think seeing a psychotherapist is an admission that something is terribly wrong with them; that it's an admission of weakness. This is an unfortunate misconception. Seeking support for yourself or wanting to fully participate in your personal development, is a positive affirmation of life, a creative undertaking to live life to the fullest and to enjoy all the happiness that you deserve.
From the outside it might appear that psychotherapy is just a bunch of talk, so why not just talk to a friend? But it's a lot more than that. At NewChoices we use effective techniques that work very quickly (see Treatment Approaches) and usually lead to permanent changes. You may need to come for only one or two sessions to feel differently about your problem or your life. Almost without exception you're unlikely to need more than 5 or 6 sessions.
So, if you're experiencing persistent and unpleasant emotions and they're interferring with your full enjoyment of life … then why not give us a call and we'll chat about how we can help?