Are you constantly feeling overwhelmed by stress in your daily life?
Do you tend to "shut down" when heavy workloads or short deadlines are present?
Do you find it impossible to unwind when you come home from work?
Does this sound familiar? If you have ever felt like this, you are not alone-and there is real lasting help available to you with our treatment approaches. We use three powerful and effective tools to help you in letting go of all forms of stress (short for distress).
Stress has become unavoidable in our society. Even pleasurable events can cause stress. Persistent negative stress is the source of many problems. Stress arises when we are unable to eliminate the negative feelings, thoughts, and emotions that accumulate as a result of our reactions to the daily events, interactions, and relationships in our lives.
Stress affects us mentally, emotionally, and physically. It clouds our ability to think clearly, to make key decisions, and to gain access to powerful inner abilities such as our intuition and insight. Emotionally, stress interferes with our ability to relate to others and to ourselves in an honest, caring, and available way. Physically, stress affects our bodies in a variety of ways ranging from minor aches and pains to life threatening illnesses. In short, stress reduces and limits our ability to live healthy, productive, and joyful lives.
Feel your stress dissolve on the spot.
When you feel your level of stress rise, simply use the easy-to-learn and easy-to-remember techniques that you will learn during our treatment sessions and you will feel the tightness leaving your stomach, shoulders, neck and chest. In its place, you will feel relaxation and confidence. You will no longer feel stressed and out of control. You will feel more relaxed and capable of handling whatever life throws at you more easily. The noise of your mind will subside, and you will have the peace of mind to handle and master any life situation. We use three approaches to identify your specific stressors and underlying issues of your stress with Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) and then eliminate the emotions that drive your stress with the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and the Sedona Method. You will then be able to rid yourself of the causes of unnecessary stress no matter what is going on in your environment.
You don’t have to struggle to learn stress management.
Although some stress management techniques learned from classes, counseling and therapy do seem to work in helping move you in the direction of effective stress management, you will find there are better, more effective ways to deal with your stress. Both our approaches are powerful and complete systems on their own that can also be used to get more out of any other stress management program.
Let's examine the alternatives for learning stress management:
I. You can attend a stress management class.
By employing various mental techniques, stress management classes attempt to help you identify situations that have caused you large amounts of stress and to change your stressful thinking processes. This can be helpful; however, it often only masks the true cause of your being overwhelmed by stress. Also, most people are unable to maintain these temporary benefits in controlling their stress levels.
II. You can see a counselor.
Seeing a counselor definitely has its benefits. A counselor can sometimes help you or your employees to identify the situations that have caused stress and to change the thinking processes. But they can't always easily help eliminate the inner cause; too, the process can at times be quite uncomfortable and embarrassing.
III. You can get conventional therapy.
Next to our approaches, therapy has the highest likelihood of producing a lasting change in your letting go of stress and developing effective stress management techniques. The problem with conventional therapy alone is it is often a long, costly and painful process that sometimes creates a dependent relationship with the therapist. Unfortunately, being in therapy still often comes with a stigma attached within business organizations.
IV. Your key to truly effective stress management - EFT plus Sedona Method
The scientifically verified Sedona Method is an elegant, easy-to-learn, do-it-yourself system that will show you how to tap your natural ability to let go of any stressful feeling or negative thought.EFT is a rapid and effective way of releasing emotions of anxiety and anger - the two main drivers of stress. Both approaches can be used in life to get immediate relief from the effects of stress, either at home or at work, whenever those feelings arise. Both also help you to easily break the patterns of thought and behavior that cause the stress to pile up right along with the workload.